dplyr in r

Dplyr Essentials (easy data manipulation in R): select, mutate, filter, group_by, summarise, & more

Manipulate and clean your data in R with the dplyr package

Hands-on dplyr tutorial for faster data manipulation in R

Top 10 Must-Know {dplyr} Commands for Data Wrangling in R!

dplyr Package in R | Introduction, Tutorial & Programming Examples | Data Manipulation in RStudio

dplyr::group_by() | How to use dplyr group by function | R Programming

Data Manipulation In R | Data Manipulation In R With dplyr | R Programming For Beginners|Simplilearn

Dplyr Advanced Guide: data cleaning, reshaping, and merging with lubridate, stringr, tidyr, ggplot2

Introduction to Tidyverse in R - dplyr

R Tips for Beginners - dplyr - How to Quickly Type Pipes

[R Beginners] dplyr::slice slice and dice your data in R

dplyr: Joins

Introduction to the dplyr R package

Data Manipulation using dplyr in R: A Beginner's Guide

Recoding data using R programming. Using the tidyverse and dplyr packages to create a new variable

dplyr tutorial | how to use dplyr pipe operator | R Programming tutorial

dplyr: summarize

How to summarize variable in R - How to use summarize dplyr

Using dplyr Functions with ggplot in R

#9 dplyr package in R : distinct()

dplyr: gather and spread

pull R Function of dplyr Package (2 Examples) | Extract Column / Variable from Data Frame / Tibble

Understanding DPLYR package and its functions in R language (With Examples)

dplyr::summarize() | How to use dplyr summarise function | R Programming